A Defense of Biblical Universalism - A biblical response to James B. De Young's book "Exposing Universalism."
There is an ever-increasing number of books being published these days advocating Universalism. While this author is convinced that the Bible clearly teaches the final restoration of all through Christ’s redemptive work on the cross, sadly very few of these authors have a high view of the Scriptures as the infallible Word of God, holding fast to the foundational truths of Scripture. This has given place to authors like James B. De Young and others who have written, exposing the unbiblical doctrines held by many of the Liberal and Postmodern Universalists. “Exposing Universalism” are directed against these aberrations of the biblical doctrine of Universal Reconciliation. This title “A Defense of Biblical Universalism” examines each of James B. De Young’s arguments against Universalism presented in his book “Exposing Universalism” from the perspective of a Conservative Universalist, demonstrating that the plain normal sense of the related texts of Scripture clearly teach the final salvation and restoration of all. Print length 115 pages
The Triumph of Mercy: The Reconciliation of All through Jesus Christ
by George Hurd
THE TRIUMPH OF MERCY presents the Scriptural and historical basis for the blessed hope of the restoration of all through the universal redemption that was accomplished through Jesus Christ.
Product Details
· File Size: 2387 KB
· Print Length: 341 pages
by George Hurd
THE TRIUMPH OF MERCY presents the Scriptural and historical basis for the blessed hope of the restoration of all through the universal redemption that was accomplished through Jesus Christ.
Product Details
· File Size: 2387 KB
· Print Length: 341 pages
El Triunfo de la Misericordia: La Reconciliación de Todos a través de Jesucristo (Spanish Edition) Kindle Edition
by George Hurd
EL TRIUNFO DE LA MISERICORDIA presenta el fundamento escritural e histórico de la esperanza bienaventurada de la restauración de todos a través de la redención universal logrado por Jesucristo en la Cruz.
· File Size: 2606 KB
· Print Length: 339 pages
by George Hurd
EL TRIUNFO DE LA MISERICORDIA presenta el fundamento escritural e histórico de la esperanza bienaventurada de la restauración de todos a través de la redención universal logrado por Jesucristo en la Cruz.
· File Size: 2606 KB
· Print Length: 339 pages
Triomphe de la Miséricorde: La réconciliation de tous à travers Jésus-Christ (French Edition)
by George Hurd
LE TRIOMPHE DE LA MISÉRICORDE présente la base biblique et historique de la bienheureuse espérance de la restauration de tous par la rédemption universelle qui a été accomplie par Jésus-Christ.
. Print Length: 379 pages
by George Hurd
LE TRIOMPHE DE LA MISÉRICORDE présente la base biblique et historique de la bienheureuse espérance de la restauration de tous par la rédemption universelle qui a été accomplie par Jésus-Christ.
. Print Length: 379 pages
The Universal Solution: Presenting Biblical Universalism as the Solution to the Debate between Calvinists and Arminians Kindle Edition
by George Hurd
In the Universal Solution, the author presents Biblical Universalism as the missing link in the four century old impasse between Calvinists and Arminians. The author challenges the Scriptural validity of the presuppositions upon which both opposing sides are based, and demonstrates how the overall teaching of Scripture harmonizes with Universal Restorationism in a way which is not possible with the traditional Augustinian dogma, built upon the belief in eternal torments for the majority.
by George Hurd
In the Universal Solution, the author presents Biblical Universalism as the missing link in the four century old impasse between Calvinists and Arminians. The author challenges the Scriptural validity of the presuppositions upon which both opposing sides are based, and demonstrates how the overall teaching of Scripture harmonizes with Universal Restorationism in a way which is not possible with the traditional Augustinian dogma, built upon the belief in eternal torments for the majority.
- File Size: 1050 KB
- Print Length: 139 pages
- Publisher: George Sidney Hurd
- Publication Date: March 15, 2016
La Solución Universal: Presentando el Universalismo Bíblico como la Solución al Debate entre Calvinistas y Arminianos (Spanish Edition)Kindle Edition
by George Hurd (Author)
En la Solución Universal, el autor presenta el Universalismo como el eslabón perdido en el impase del debate entre los Calvinistas y los Arminianos que ya ha durado más de cuatrocientos años. El autor cuestiona la validez escritural de las presuposiciones sobre las cuales han sido basados los dos lados, y demuestra como la totalidad de las enseñanzas de las Escrituras armoniza con una restauración universal de una manera no posible con el dogma tradicional agustiniano, que se fundamenta en tormentos eternos para la mayoría.
by George Hurd (Author)
En la Solución Universal, el autor presenta el Universalismo como el eslabón perdido en el impase del debate entre los Calvinistas y los Arminianos que ya ha durado más de cuatrocientos años. El autor cuestiona la validez escritural de las presuposiciones sobre las cuales han sido basados los dos lados, y demuestra como la totalidad de las enseñanzas de las Escrituras armoniza con una restauración universal de una manera no posible con el dogma tradicional agustiniano, que se fundamenta en tormentos eternos para la mayoría.
- File Size: 899 KB
- Print Length: 142 pages
- Publisher: George Sidney Hurd
- Publication Date: June 12, 2016
Extermination or Restoration?: A Restorationists’ Response to Annihilationism, Kindle Edition
by George Hurd (Author)
Those who abandon the doctrine of eternal torments as unbiblical fall into two basic groups: Those who retain the traditional Partialism, or the belief that some will be eternally lost, arguing that the lost will be finally annihilated, and the Universal Restorationists who believe that the lost will be found, cleansed and restored rather than tortured for eternity or exterminated.
In his previous book “The Triumph of Mercy” the author presented the biblical basis for Universal Restorationism. Later he published “The Universal Solution” which sets forth Universalism as the solution to the impasse between Calvinists and Arminians. In this title: “Extermination or Restoration?” the author scripturally demonstrates why, in spite of having been raised in a denomination which taught Annihilationism, he came to believe in Universal Reconciliation rather than the final annihilation of the lost.
by George Hurd (Author)
Those who abandon the doctrine of eternal torments as unbiblical fall into two basic groups: Those who retain the traditional Partialism, or the belief that some will be eternally lost, arguing that the lost will be finally annihilated, and the Universal Restorationists who believe that the lost will be found, cleansed and restored rather than tortured for eternity or exterminated.
In his previous book “The Triumph of Mercy” the author presented the biblical basis for Universal Restorationism. Later he published “The Universal Solution” which sets forth Universalism as the solution to the impasse between Calvinists and Arminians. In this title: “Extermination or Restoration?” the author scripturally demonstrates why, in spite of having been raised in a denomination which taught Annihilationism, he came to believe in Universal Reconciliation rather than the final annihilation of the lost.
- Print Length: 190 pages
- Publication Date: June 22, 2018
¿EXTERMINACIÓN O RESTAURACIÓN?: La Respuesta de un Restauracionista a los Aniquilacionistas (Spanish Edition) Kindle Edition
by George Hurd (Author)
Los que han abandonado la doctrina de tormentos eternos como anti-bíblica caen en dos grupos básicos: Los que retienen el Parcialismo tradicional o la creencia de que algunos estarán perdidos eternamente que argumentan que los perdidos serán finalmente aniquilados, y los Restauracionistas Universales que creen que los perdidos serán encontrados, purificados y restaurados, en vez de ser torturados eternamente o exterminados.
En su libro anterior “El Triunfo de la Misericordia,” el autor presentó la base bíblica para la restauración universal. Después publicó “La Solución Universal” que presenta el Universalismo como la solución al debate entre los Calvinistas y los Arminianos. En este título: “¿Exterminación o Restauración?” el autor demuestra bíblicamente porqué, a pesar de ser criado en una denominación que enseñaba el Aniquilacionismo, llegó a creer en la Reconciliación Universal y no en la aniquilación final de los perdidos.
by George Hurd (Author)
Los que han abandonado la doctrina de tormentos eternos como anti-bíblica caen en dos grupos básicos: Los que retienen el Parcialismo tradicional o la creencia de que algunos estarán perdidos eternamente que argumentan que los perdidos serán finalmente aniquilados, y los Restauracionistas Universales que creen que los perdidos serán encontrados, purificados y restaurados, en vez de ser torturados eternamente o exterminados.
En su libro anterior “El Triunfo de la Misericordia,” el autor presentó la base bíblica para la restauración universal. Después publicó “La Solución Universal” que presenta el Universalismo como la solución al debate entre los Calvinistas y los Arminianos. En este título: “¿Exterminación o Restauración?” el autor demuestra bíblicamente porqué, a pesar de ser criado en una denominación que enseñaba el Aniquilacionismo, llegó a creer en la Reconciliación Universal y no en la aniquilación final de los perdidos.
- Print Length: 191 pages
- Publication Date: June 23, 2018
Christ Triumphant: Universalism Asserted as the Hope of the Gospel on the Authority of Reason, the Fathers, and Holy Scripture. Annotated Edition Kindle Edition
by Thomas Allin (Author), Robin Parry (Editor), Thomas Talbott (Foreword)
by Thomas Allin (Author), Robin Parry (Editor), Thomas Talbott (Foreword)
Esperanza mas alla del Infierno (Spanish Edition) Nook Book
Is Hell Eternal? Or Will God's Plan Fail Kindle Edition
by Charles Pridgeon
(Valuable resource. Reader discretion advised)
by Charles Pridgeon
(Valuable resource. Reader discretion advised)
Universalism: The Prevailing Doctrine of the Christian Church During Its First 500 Years Kindle Edition
by J.W. Hanson
(Excellent historical resource. Reader discretion advised.)
by J.W. Hanson
(Excellent historical resource. Reader discretion advised.)
Other books written by George Sidney Hurd:
THE TRUE GRACE OF GOD Paperback or Kindle Edition
by George Hurd
A clear understanding of the grace of God is absolutely essential to living the abundant, overcoming life offered to us in the New Covenant. However, in spite of the fact that there is a renewed focus upon this vital theme, there seems to be a polarization of the subject, similar to what we see in the Calvinist vs Arminian debate or that between the Futurist and the Preterists. Although one may be wrong about eschatology or even concerning predestination vs freewill, if we misunderstand the grace of God we will fail to enter into His rest and draw freely from our inheritance in Christ. We will not enjoy His transforming power. God is restoring His Church, and for the last few years He has been giving us a fresh revelation of the riches of His grace. Nevertheless, much that has been written on the subject dances around the truth concerning the grace of God. One side presents grace as though it merely empowers the flesh to obey God, whereas the other extreme has been interpreted by some as license to disobey God. Many, in their zeal to protect the grace of God, sound a lot like the Pharisees in their reaction against the other extreme, which bears too much resemblance to the Nicolaitans, mentioned in Revelation. The objective of this book is to take a fresh objective look at the Scriptures to see just what they have to say about grace and allow it to transform our lives. The grace of God is much more glorious than anything man could have dreamed up. It is nothing less than Christ’s life for us and in us.
by George Hurd
A clear understanding of the grace of God is absolutely essential to living the abundant, overcoming life offered to us in the New Covenant. However, in spite of the fact that there is a renewed focus upon this vital theme, there seems to be a polarization of the subject, similar to what we see in the Calvinist vs Arminian debate or that between the Futurist and the Preterists. Although one may be wrong about eschatology or even concerning predestination vs freewill, if we misunderstand the grace of God we will fail to enter into His rest and draw freely from our inheritance in Christ. We will not enjoy His transforming power. God is restoring His Church, and for the last few years He has been giving us a fresh revelation of the riches of His grace. Nevertheless, much that has been written on the subject dances around the truth concerning the grace of God. One side presents grace as though it merely empowers the flesh to obey God, whereas the other extreme has been interpreted by some as license to disobey God. Many, in their zeal to protect the grace of God, sound a lot like the Pharisees in their reaction against the other extreme, which bears too much resemblance to the Nicolaitans, mentioned in Revelation. The objective of this book is to take a fresh objective look at the Scriptures to see just what they have to say about grace and allow it to transform our lives. The grace of God is much more glorious than anything man could have dreamed up. It is nothing less than Christ’s life for us and in us.
FOCUSING IN ON END TIME EVENTS: Gaining Perspective for a Glorious Postribulational Return of Jesus Christ Kindle Edition
by George Hurd
FOCUSING IN ON END TIME EVENTS defends a postribulational premillennial perspective of eschatology in which, during the darkest hour of the age, the mature sons and daughters of God will enter into a dimension of power and glory promised in the Scriptures, yet until now unknown to human experience. In history's darkest hour the glory of God will arise upon His prepared vessels. They, the first-fruits, will be to the praise of the glory of His grace resulting in the greatest harvest of souls since the beginning of the age.
by George Hurd
FOCUSING IN ON END TIME EVENTS defends a postribulational premillennial perspective of eschatology in which, during the darkest hour of the age, the mature sons and daughters of God will enter into a dimension of power and glory promised in the Scriptures, yet until now unknown to human experience. In history's darkest hour the glory of God will arise upon His prepared vessels. They, the first-fruits, will be to the praise of the glory of His grace resulting in the greatest harvest of souls since the beginning of the age.
- File Size: 841 KB
- Print Length: 151 pages
Last Days - Past or Present?: A Case for Futurism Kindle Edition
by George Hurd
A great number of Christians in the 21st century are unaware that there is a major paradigm shift taking place within the Church. This is especially true in the area of eschatology: our beliefs concerning the end-times.
In “Last Days - Past or Present?”, the author focuses upon a significant yet subtle change presently taking place within the Church – the shift from the historic belief that we are living in the last days and that Christ could come soon - even within our lifetime, to the Preterist doctrine which teaches that the last days ended and Jesus came in AD 70, ushering in the millennial new age.
by George Hurd
A great number of Christians in the 21st century are unaware that there is a major paradigm shift taking place within the Church. This is especially true in the area of eschatology: our beliefs concerning the end-times.
In “Last Days - Past or Present?”, the author focuses upon a significant yet subtle change presently taking place within the Church – the shift from the historic belief that we are living in the last days and that Christ could come soon - even within our lifetime, to the Preterist doctrine which teaches that the last days ended and Jesus came in AD 70, ushering in the millennial new age.
- File Size: 2534 KB
- Print Length: 210 pages
ENFOCANDO EN LOS EVENTOS FINALES: Obteniendo la Perspectiva para el Glorioso Retorno Postribulacional de Jesucristo (Spanish Edition) Kindle Edition
by George Hurd
ENFOCANDO EN LOS TIEMPOS FINALES defiende la perspectiva postribulacional de la escatología y demuestra que los hijos e hijas de Dios entrarán en una dimensión de poder y gloria al final de esta época como prometido en las Escrituras; una gloria mayor de lo que se ha visto hasta ahora. En la hora más oscura de la historia, la gloria de Dios amanecerá sobre sus vasos preparados. Ellos, las primicias, serán manifestados para la alabanza de la gloria de Su gracia, resultando en la mayor cosecha de almas desde el comienzo de la época.
by George Hurd
ENFOCANDO EN LOS TIEMPOS FINALES defiende la perspectiva postribulacional de la escatología y demuestra que los hijos e hijas de Dios entrarán en una dimensión de poder y gloria al final de esta época como prometido en las Escrituras; una gloria mayor de lo que se ha visto hasta ahora. En la hora más oscura de la historia, la gloria de Dios amanecerá sobre sus vasos preparados. Ellos, las primicias, serán manifestados para la alabanza de la gloria de Su gracia, resultando en la mayor cosecha de almas desde el comienzo de la época.
- File Size: 1066 KB
- Print Length: 158 pages